You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the Slider Revolution files js inclusion.
To fix this, you can:
    1. Set 'Module General Options' -> 'Advanced' -> 'jQuery & OutPut Filters' -> 'Put JS to Body' to on
    2. Find the double jQuery.js inclusion and remove it
[吉他平方译制] 德国Lakewood原声手工吉他 走进工厂 纪录片
[吉他平方译制] Lowden创始人吉他George Lowden讲解各种木材之间的音色区别-整琴篇
Ervin Somogyi OMC北美云杉非洲黑檀手工原声木吉他现货 试听 by 吴迪
[吉他平方译制]德国Hughes&Kettner官方评测TriAmp MK3电子管电吉他音箱大鱼缸箱头中文字幕
豪哥讲解 美国K&K Sound 全系列拾音器前级系统
吉他平方 蔡文展 《现代乐理系统教程》

Guitar Square (Mega Music Group)

Mega Music Group, a music industry group company focusing on musical instrument brand operation, education and training, music production, music book publishing and distribution, performance brokerage, and e-commerce chain.

Qingdao Guitar Square Trading Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Mega Music Group, was established on August 20, 2007. With a registered capital of 30 million yuan, we own the exclusive distributorship of more than 40 high-end acoustic guitar brands and musical instrument accessory brands in China, mainly engaged in the sales and maintenance of acoustic guitars and accessories, music education, band performances, as well as music album recording, music video shooting, music book publishing and distribution, etc, allowing music lovers to enjoy high-quality one-stop service.

Guitar Square Art School, another subsidiary of Mega Music Group, is located at No. 30, Tai Qing Road, Shi Bei District. With formal art school qualification issued by Qingdao Education Bureau and Civil Affairs Bureau, Guitar Square Art School employs Italian guitar master Gavino and Taiwanese educator Cai Wenzhan as teaching guides, introduces the international advanced music teaching system into Qingdao. Guitar Square Art School offers music courses in guitar, keyboard, drum set, ukulele, pop singing, piano, etc., so that music lovers can enjoy systematic professional and efficient learning.

Customer Service Tel:86-0532-82726977






Brands – Guitar Square (Mega Music Group)

Ervin Somogyi Guitars, Michihiro Matsuda Guitars, Beauregard Guitars, Keystone Guitars, Isaac Jang Guitars, BuendiaGuitars, Casimi Guitars, Kevin Ryan Guitars, Raymond Kraut Guitars, Jeffrey Yong Guitars, Lakewood Guitars, Preston Thompson Guitars, Lowden Guitars, Gerber Guitars, Ayers Guitars, McPherson Guitars, Kane Guitars, Fangge Guitars,Gruv Gear, Peterson Strobe Tuners, Roadie Automatic Tuners, Sunrise Pickups, K&K Sound Pickups, DL Cables, Cordial Cables, L.R.Baggs, G7th Capo, Perri’s Straps, String Swing, Ultimate Support, Hoffee Cases, Prohands, Oasis Humidifiers, EternaShine Remover Polish, Loxx Strap Locks, ToneRite, Alpine Earplugs, Boveda Humidipak, Alaska Picks, Augustine Strings, Fred Kelly Picks, Clayton Picks, Awesome,Acoustic Guitar, The Guitar Book by Pierre Bensusan, Fingerstyle Guitar by Ulli Bogershausen, Fingerstyle Guitar Course by CK-Chen, Untitled with Tabs by CK-Chen, Wu Di with Tabs by Wu Di,Contemporary Music Theory Course by Cai Wenzhan, Guitar Arpeggios/Scales/Chords Ultimate Training by Cai Wenzhan. All the brand that has cooperation with Guitar Square is in the page Guitar Square Brands

美豪音乐集团吉他平方 – 品牌

Ervin Somogyi吉他,Michihiro Matsuda吉他,Isaac Jang吉他,Buendia吉他,Casimi吉他,Ryan吉他,Lakewood吉他,Thompson吉他,Lowden吉他,Gerber吉他,Ayers吉他,McPherson吉他,Kane原声吉他,GruvGear专业琴包,Peterson调音器节拍器,Roadie自动调音器,Sunrise拾音器,K&K Sound专业拾音器,DL发烧乐器连线,Cordial发烧乐器连线,L.R.Baggs拾音器,G7th变调夹,Perri‘s专业背带,StringSwing乐器展示架,Ultimate专业琴架,Hoffee琴盒,Prohands指力训练器,Oasis加湿器,EternaShine专业乐器护理,LOXX精品背带扣,ToneRite专业开声器,Alpine专业耳塞,Boveda乐器湿度均衡器,Alaska指环,Augustine古典吉他琴弦,Fred Kelly指套,Clayton高品质拨片,Awesome奥昇,《原声吉他杂志AcousticGuitar》,《Pierre Bensusan指弹吉他圣经》,《Ulli Bogershausen德国现代指弹吉他教程》,《陈亮指弹吉他系统教程》,陈亮《无题》专辑曲谱,《吴迪WuDi》专辑曲谱,蔡文展《现代乐理系统教程》《吉他琶音/音阶/和弦系统训练》。

Dealers – Guitar Square (Mega Music Group)

Dalian Yuan Mu Tang Music Store, Nanjing Qin Yong Musical Instrument Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Qi Cai Musical Instrument Co., Ltd, Beijing Fingerstyle China Mall, Tianjin Fengge Shihun Music Store, Beijing Qin Long Music Store, Beijing Xuanzhuan Qitian Music Store, Changzhou Fly Guitar Store, Beijing Fu Da Music Store, Wuxi Sheng Yin Music Store, Fuzhou D Diao Musical Instrument Co., Ltd, Jieyang Wosion Music Store, Shanghai World Wide Music, Shanghai Ishibashi Music, Beijing Nan Mu Xiu Music Store, Shanghai Mu Guitar Studio, Chengdu Ming Wu Music Store, Changzhou Feng Xiang Yi Music Store, Beijing Lüdong Hexian Trading Company, Changchun Yi Fan Music Store, etc. Full list of Dealers in this page Guitar Square Dealers

美豪音乐集团吉他平方 – 经销商

大连原木堂乐器,南京秦俑琴行有限公司,杭州琦材乐器有限公司, 北京指弹中国商城, 天津风格石魂乐器,北京琴龙乐器,北京旋转七天乐器行,常州飞琴行,北京福达琴行,无锡盛音琴行,福州D调乐器有限公司,揭阳沃声乐器,上海世音琴行,上海意希芭世乐器有限公司,北京楠木秀琴行,上海沐音堂,成都名屋乐器,常州风向仪乐器,北京律动和弦商贸有限公司,长春依凡琴行,等等。