德国 Hughes & Kettner 电子管 Tube Clock 辉光钟 时钟钟表 限量发售!
TriAmp, TubeMeister, GrandMeister – Hughes & Kettner 电子管音箱是全球最为热销的电子管音箱。凭借其动听的音色和感觉以及炫酷的外观而吸引了一众乐手及电子管发烧友。德国 Hughes & Kettner 的Tube Clock 辉光钟 采用独特设计,将电子管音箱的质感和时间的概念合二为一,全球限量发售,是专业录音棚,琴行和家居的高品位装饰品。
Hughes & Kettner Tube Clock. Only a limited number for sale!
With Tube Clock, you will enjoy every moment of time passing – perhaps for the first time. The blue-lit, transparent front allows you to see the lavishly chrome-plated chassis with time being displayed by six mysteriously glowing tubes. The true-to-style Tolex covering and the solid brass chrome-plated “Dome Speed Knobs”, mirror the awesome look and feel of Hughes & Kettner’s tube amplifiers.