此次,陈亮老师苏州之行,不仅在苏州最大的Shopping mall-印象城举办了个人专场演出,并展示了来自吉他平方总代理的Lakwood、Larrivee、Santa Cruz、Lowden等高端手工原声吉他,同时,于10月5日晚在最琴坊精品原声乐器体验店与苏州的广大琴友们进行了面对面的交流;还为从南京、常州、无锡、上海等地赶来参加陈亮老师交流会的指弹爱好者进行了长达一个小时的指弹基础训练以及经验分享。
值得一提的是,陈亮老师作为Lakewood原声吉他中国形象代言人,此次苏州之行,陈老师还特地向苏州琴友展示了Lakewood M-48CP高端定制款原声吉他,让众多的苏州琴友零距离地体验了一把神器。
Chinese fingerstylist ,Chen Liang , who is the spokesman of Lakewood on Mainland China, was invited by Zui Qin Fang in Suzhou to attend the guitarists meet-up in Suzhou and hold a UNPLUGGED Acoustic Music Show.
On this trip to Suzhou, Chen Liang held his special performance in the biggest local shopping mall—In City;and on the night of October 5, he met many guitarists in the Zui Qin Fang Music Store,sharing his experience with lots of fingerstyle fans who gathered here from Nanjing, Changzhou, Wuxi and Shanghai.
As the spokesman of Lakewood on Mainland China, Chen Liang brought Lakewood M-48CP together with him to Suzhou and unveiled the top-end customshop guitar for guitarists in Suzhou.